This School Information System is available on both modes– Online as well as Offline. Both modes have all the modules and features. Listed below are the attractive modules & Features:
A. Student Management system:
Using HAPASIS, you can add or delete students, add student’s personal information such as:
- Creation of different exams (class test, assignments, end of term exam)
- Keep record of students examination results
- Comparison of student’s performance in different examinations
- Report Cards
- Term examination Summary
- Class Performance Report (subject wise & exam wise)
- Course Reports (Comparison of student’s performance in different exam)
- Transcripts
- Cumulative Average Reports
B. Examination Management (Grading & Reports):
- Creation of different exams (class test, assignments, end of term exam)
- Keep record of students examination results
- Comparison of student’s performance in different examinations
- Report Cards
- Term examination Summary
- Transcripts
- Cumulative Average Report
- Advanced Cumulative Average Report
- Class Performance Report (subject wise, class wise & exam wise)
- Course Reports (Comparison of student’s performance in different exam)
C. SMS Module — (text messages & alerts)
Our SMS module is a web based solution to communicate campus information of a student to his/her guardian/parents. With the use of this system parents will be in touch with the school regarding every activity of their wards. The school also has the facility to communicate with its staff whenever they want. Parents get notify for each and every achievement.
Here is the list of messages which can be sent through our Student Information System to the guardians of the learner as well as staff members.
- Staff Meeting Messages
- PTA Messages
- Midterm/Vacation Messages
- Messages of Exam Result Declaration
- Student’s performance Messages
- Students’ presence/absence Messages
- Fee Notification Messages
- Emergency Holiday Announcement Messages
D. Fee management system (Billing):
Fee module is specifically made for student’s fee billing, providing school/colleges with powerful feature for both private and public institutions. Designed for ease-of-use and flexibility, the fee module will save your staff an enormous amount of time in collection, data entry and financial record keeping. It efficiently tracks the details of your past, future, and current fee receipts. Below are the attractive features of this module:
- Student Bills creation for different levels & Class
- User Defined Fee types (e.g. admission fee, PTA dues, Boarding fees, etc)
- Different fees to old students and new students
- Different Fee groups for different classes & levels
- Flexible fee structure ( one-time fee, refundable fee, yearly & monthly fee)
- Student wise & Class wise assign fee to different heads
- Flexibility in fee collection
- Different types of fee receipts
- Fast data entry and receipt printing
- Fee concession/waiver facility for different heads
- Prints unlimited customized reports.
- Fee record (received fee, pending fee)
- Fee defaulters (debtors list)
- Head wise reports for fee collection
- Class wise fee due report
- Dynamic reporting through list view
- Students outstanding fee and fee refunds reports
- Student fee ledgers
- Fee due slips
- Accounting Integration
- Level security.
- Fee collection for next session (term)
- Refundable Fee can be managed even after Years
- Automatic calculation of concessions applicable